About uTrade.tf

Catalog Item Selection

Our marketplace focuses on about 20 items, specifically currencies and cases, that are always in high demand. By choosing to offer items that sell frequently, we ensure a smoother and faster experience for both buyers and sellers.

Distribution Algorithm

Our unique distribution algorithm ensures a fair and even opportunity for sales across all sellers when an order is made. This promotes equitable competition and success throughout our marketplace.

Stripe Payments

We use Stripe to provide transparent, secure payments and protect your data. Processing transactions through this trusted global company ensures your financial information is always safe with every purchase and sale.

Reliable Support

Access dedicated customer support available 7 days a week, 16 hours a day to assist you with any service related problems. Our team is here to help ensure your trading experience is smooth and satisfactory.

Open Communication via Discord

We're also open to communication via Discord, providing another convenient way for you to reach us and engage with the community.

Error Handling

Our platform quickly detects and reports errors. When an issue arises, our development team is alerted immediately, allowing for prompt resolution to keep our service reliable and efficient.


Our primary goal is to streamline the process of buying and selling TF2 currencies and cases, making it faster and more user-friendly. We are committed to continuously improving our platform, offering better options for sellers, including a future target of reducing commissions to 5%, and potentially implementing an API for enhanced functionality.

User-Friendly Interface

Navigate uTrade.tf with ease thanks to an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Our responsive design ensures you can enjoy our services across various devices, including mobile phones, tablets, and PCs.


The majority of our profits are reinvested into the ongoing development of the marketplace. Additionally, a portion of these profits is allocated to a reserve fund. This fund acts as a financial safety net in the event of emergencies, such as the usage or abuse of a zero-day vulnerability, safeguarding our platform's integrity and user interests.